Accepting dentistry referrals throughout the West Midlands
In some cases, you might require a procedure that your local dentist simply does not offer.
If this is the case, just ask your dentist to refer you to Bhandal Dental Practice. Our dentists accept referrals from all other practices in the West Midlands.
Our team’s expertise spans a wide range of specialised aspects of dentistry. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, our expert dentists can perform the most complex dental treatments, even those procedures that require sedation. At each practice, you can also access teeth straightening services for both private and NHS patients.
Every dental practice in the region has been provided with a Bhandal referral pack, so it is simple and seamless to organise treatment with us!
Bhandal Dental Practice is one of the West Midland’s premier dental groups. We have established numerous dental clinics, making it easy to find a practice near that offers both private and NHS dental services. Our experienced dentists are equipped to carry out a wide range of painless dental procedures, including sedation, orthodontal care and emergency dentistry. We also provide a dedicated referral service to simplify the process of getting the specialist care you need as soon as possible.
Get straighter teeth today and give yourself a new lease of life with our invisalign options.